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Dylan Lake


有多少工作可以让你购买和驾驶无人机? 斯克兰顿乡村俱乐部(Country Club of Scranton)就是这么做的,因为他们信任的长期员工迪伦·莱克(Dylan Lake).

Don Jones


To Don Jones, wrestling is more than a sport, or an activity, 或者只是一种保持平衡和健康生活方式的方法. To Don, 1983年毕业于基斯顿初级学院的一名值得骄傲的学生, wrestling is a way of life, an integral part of his very existence.

2023 alumni award winners

Keystone College presents Alumni Awards

基斯顿学院在最近的返校周末期间颁发了校友奖. Award winners and Keystone officials are, from left: Shannon Giedieviells Buckley, Dickson City, Class of 2016, Helping Hands Award; Tyler Gilroy, Carbondale, Class...
Homecoming Photo 1 Don Cadman Jodi Lameo

Homecoming Memories 2023


Graduate Hooding


Since its founding more than 150 years ago, Keystone学院一直以努力为所有年龄和背景的本科生提供最好的教育而闻名. Now, Keystone is taking that same expertise and...
Krystie Kowalczyk Photo

Krystle Kowalczyk:刑事司法硕士学位适合繁忙的生活方式

As a longtime criminal justice professional, Krystle Kowalczyk知道专业知识和教育是有意义和成功的职业生涯的关键. Now, 作为一名基斯顿学院刑事司法硕士项目的研究生, Krystle is...
Jeremy Collins on the porch of Alumni Hall


As an adult student, 2021年,杰里米·柯林斯(Jeremy Collins)走过舞台,获得了刑事司法理学学士学位,这是他一生中最激动人心的时刻. 然而,他那天感受到的个人满足感并没有以一场比赛结束...
Christy Davall


基斯通大学(Keystone College)毕业生克里斯蒂·达瓦尔(Christy Davall)欣然承认,她在附近的怀俄明县(Wyoming County)担任911调度员,享受了一段漫长而有意义的职业生涯, Pa. 事实上,她对职业的奉献挽救了无数生命,给了人们帮助和安慰...
Melinda Owens Bennett ‘09

Finding Balance with Melinda Owens Bennett ‘09

在艺术术语中,平衡是视觉呈现的平等或不平等程度. 和谐是当组合的元素相互补充. At Keystone, 梅琳达·欧文斯·贝内特不仅在艺术上找到了和谐的平衡, but in all aspects of daily living. As a Mountain...

Keystone alumnus named coach of the year

祝贺楔石学院13届校友保罗·迪瓦恩,他被《立博平台》评为年度最佳女子田径教练.     More News
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Our Alumni

They believed. They belonged.

Keystone alumni are impressive for many reasons. 多年来,我们的校友不仅在美国获得了认可,而且在世界各地都取得了成就. Business professionals, writers, educators, 以及许多其他职业的毕业生已经证明,立博平台教育的价值确实是成功的秘诀.

Alumni Spotlight

Alumni Spotlight: Shannon Buckley ’16

Alumni Spotlight: Shannon Buckley ’16

Name: Shannon Buckley
Graduation Year: 2016

Alumni News





Keystone College presents Alumni Awards

Keystone College presents Alumni Awards

2023 alumni award winners

2023 Alumni Awards

在最近的校园返校节庆祝活动中,基斯顿学院表彰了校友,并颁发了几个奖项:左起:香农·巴克利, ’16, Helping Hands award recipient; Tyler Gilroy ’16, Keystonian of the Year award recipient;  Dr. Fran Langan, Vice President of Institutional Advancement and Strategic Initiatives and Distinguished Service to Keystone award recipient; John Pullo, Sr. ’69, President; Elena O’Connor ’04, Alumni Association President.; and Don Cadman ’77,  who accepted the award for Eugene Frimpong ’21, Young Alumni of the Year award recipient.

See why they love Keystone.


“When I look at my life, 我回到Keystone,因为它确实为之后的所有事情提供了具体的细节. I received a great education, and I don’t just mean great business education, but an education in how to live life.”
Kirby Hickey ’65

“参与Keystone的各种活动确实帮助我成长为一个人,并获得了我所需要的信心. 我对自己是谁以及我想要做什么有了更好的认识. Keystone has really helped me in many ways.”
Tara Gwilliam ’12

“The faculty at Keystone is fantastic. 他们鼓励你为自己设定更高的目标,并尽可能地发挥创造力.“


Lindsey Lockwood '19

Where are they now?

Keystone alumni have done some wonderful things.

Alice Davis目前是Susquehanna County Career的执行董事 & Technology Center. 她的热情正在改变高中生和其他成人学习者的生活.

Alice Davis '80

Liberal Arts Major

楔石巨人女子排球队的前成员, 凯蒂·谢赫(Katie Scheuch)是新泽西州大西洋急救协会的医师助理. 她认为,在Keystone得到的个人关注让她走上了成功之路, 

Katie Scheuch '14

Businness and Pre-Med

Now, WithumSmith+Brown会计事务所的创始合伙人之一, PC, which is the 34th largest CPA firm in the country, 莱恩·史密斯受到他在基斯顿大学的教授们的启发,进入了会计行业.
Len Smith '68

Accounting Major

楔石巨人男子足球队的前成员, 阿伯瑞罕·基特尔在政府部门的职业生涯始于与已故的前州众议员希德·卡武里奇(Sid Kavulich)一起实习,之后又担任了众议员希尔·卡武里奇的立法助理. Kyle Mullins. 他是哈里斯堡宾夕法尼亚州参议院的一名研究分析师. 轻松的沟通和丰富的机会是他职业生涯的亮点. 

Abreham Kittel '18

Social Science

楔石巨人田径队的前成员, Christian English是Under Armor的平面设计师. 他感谢基斯顿大学的教授们帮助他成长为一个学生和一个人.

Christian English '14

Graphic Designer and Business

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